Saturday, June 20, 2009

Strawberry Pickin'

Went out Strawberry Pickin' today...oh what fun! Got the girls their own little they have them when we go again. Berries were pretty small, but we did get lucky and get some bigger ones...LOVE strawberries! Now we can make strawberry shortcake tomorrow for Father's Day! Yummm!!

So I came home...was cleaning the berries...decided to get my camera out and take some pics..they looked so yummy I just had to get some pics!....then I had the great idea of trying to drop the strawberry in a bowl of milk...ha...I've seen this done before..but I just couldn't quite get my strawberry to land perfectly...I had a vision, but I couldn't get it...I did was able to catch it once when it fell right on the edge of the bowl!...that was cool....oh well...I still got some great shots! Will have to try again tho!....enjoy...

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