I had the great pleasure of photographing little Mr. "B" and little Miss "S". Oh aren't they just adorable?! They were so much fun and so polite. They love having their photos taken and made my job so easy!
Mr. "B" loved giving me his "cool" look and he sure knows how to look cool!!

Little Miss "S" had such an infectious little smile and cute little dimple! She really had a lot of fun with the pink parasol!
Love this shoot!!!
These are great photos. Mr. B is definitely GQ material. I can see these photos in any magazine. He could definitely have a modeling career in his future. Michiko asked me to review these photos, and they are great!
Really enjoyed your pictures of Mr."B" and Miss "S". Incredible kids and great poses/backdrops. Lets see more!
Michiko pointed me to your blog...great pics. Mr. B & Miss S are adorable photo subjects!
Michiko, thanks for the link to the blog! What great photos, you're so luck to have such beautiful kids!!
Wow Michiko! You have beautiful babies. Thanks for sharing...
These pics are fabulous! Michiko definitely did well with them...including choosing who to take the pics!
WOW michiko, the kids are so photogentic.. I think they know just how fab they really are teehee... with a momma like you! of course they were gonna be GEOrgeous!
oh so cute michiko... she really does have a great smile..and he looks like a handsome lil devil.
Oh my...Michiko they are absolutely beautiful! The photographer did a great job!
Robin - Thanks for taking some great pictures of Royice & Sophia. You are a very talented photographer. They had a lot of fun.
Michiko's children are so adorable and you are clearly so talented in what you do! "So talented that we enjoyed you taking Ty's pics not long ago! (we are having a hard time choosing which ones to pick but we will get on it! Thanks! Kim S.
These are amazing photos!
You have done a great job photographing Royice and Sophia. I think they are naturals in front of the camera. It would be so rewarding to see them in a magazine!! Can you make it happen?
They are both soooo cute!!!! Who couldn't be more blessed to have them, then Michiko.
What a beautiful set of photos, Royce and Sophia looks so wonderful. Great job! Thanks to Michiko for letting me know about you! I would love to have pictures of my 19 month old Boston taken.
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